503-713-9590 ryan@agpestcontrol.net

What is Biting Me at Night? – 10 Oregon House Pests That Bite

Jan 13, 2021

If you live in Oregon or some other area in the Pacific Northwest, your home can be host to a vast range of common house pests that bite and can pose some health risks due to their stings and bites. We all know pests like ants, termites and rodents can bring about damage to structure and property, but it also helps to recognize other lesser known house pests that can be dangerous to your health.

Why house pests that bite can be harmful

The presence of pests can be bothersome, but there’s more to these annoying critters than just being simple nuisances in your home. Pests can be carriers of germs, bacteria and viruses, some of which can result in debilitating or life-threatening diseases and conditions. A lot of them can be vectors of allergens while some house pests that bite may carry venom or toxins that cause allergic and sometimes lethal reactions. Pest shedding and droppings can also pollute the air around your home and trigger respiratory problems which, if left untreated, can result in more serious health problems for you and your family.

Oregon House Pests that Bite

Being a professional pest exterminator in Beaverton, Oregon, I always tell clients that it helps to know what type of dangerous house pests may be lurking in your home. Below, I’ve put together a nice and thorough infographic on common Oregon house pests that bite and may be dangerous to you, your family, your pets and even your health. My list of the top 10 dangerous house pests that bite include the Hobo spider, brown recluse spider, black widow spider, chiggers, bed bugs and fleas, as well as dust mites, mosquitoes, bot flies and cockroaches.

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If you have a problem with any of these house pests that bite, you don’t have to deal with it alone. ANT & GARDEN ORGANIC PEST CONTROL in Beaverton, OR can help you solve your pest issues with my complete arsenal of safe and pet-friendly organic pest control solutions.

My comprehensive pest control program for dangerous Oregon house pests that bite comes with thorough inspection of your entire property to properly identify what type of pest/s have found their way to your home. I will locate hot spots for these harmful house pests and help you come up with the most effective way to eliminate them so you can keep your home and your family safe from life-threatening, pest-borne diseases including asthma, malaria, dengue, Lyme disease, the Zika and Nile viruses, and many more.

Give me a call today at 503-713-9590 for a FREE consultation and be on your way to a safe and healthy pest-free home!

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