Oregon is home to around 500 native species of spiders and although the vast majority of them live in deeply wooded, remote habitats, there are still dozens of species that make their homes in urban settings. Yellow sac spiders, crab spiders, giant house spiders, wolf spiders and hobo spiders are commonly found inside homes all over Beaverton and the rest of Oregon.
Spiders tend to stay away from humans, but the fact remains that you just cannot avoid them if you live in Beaverton. A spider infestation can result from these critters crawling through your foundation, eaves, windows, and other open access points. Once inside, they make their homes wherever they can find a comfortable dark corner, like under your furniture, in cardboard boxes in your garage, and of course, your attic or basement. Coming across one accidentally and getting bitten is unfortunately a very common occurrence.

Almost all spider species carry venom, although spiders like black widows and hobo spiders are far more toxic than other arachnid species. Most spider bites cause symptoms such as swelling, itching, and redness. In more severe cases, they can cause blood poisoning, necrosis of the skin, difficulty breathing, and abdominal cramping. Most people make a full recovery from even the most toxic spider bites, like black widow and hobo bites, but in young children bites from highly venomous spiders can be fatal.
Hobo spiders in particular are very common in Oregon homes, even in dense urban settings. Hobo spiders are generally somewhere between half an inch to an inch long and are brown in color. They have a somewhat elongated body shape, but they vary a lot in size and color and can be easily mistaken for other species of spiders. Hobo spiders are known for building funnel-shaped webs, often in woodpiles and thick hedges. They have relatively high toxicity and although most hobo bites cause minor discomfort and swelling, there have also been reported instances of dermonecrosis from hobo bites. Because hobo spiders can be hard to identify, getting a professional organic spider pest control expert to evaluate your situation is important. Often, the only way to tell if a spider is really a hobo is to examine it under a microscope.
Spiders are nocturnal, so for every spider you see there are ten more hiding out where you can’t see them – they only come out to hunt while you’re sleeping. Spiders are also prolific breeders, producing at least 200 eggs for each egg sac they lay, and many species mate year-round.
A lot of spider pest control companies use chemical sprays and pesticides to remove spiders from your home, but this is never effective in the long term. Most commercially available sprays work in the short term, but they dissipate quickly and don’t stop new spiders from entering your home. If you want to get rid of spiders in your home and want lasting results, I recommend you check out these pesticides to remove spiders. Be sure to read labels for safety precautions as some chemical pesticides have a cumulative, harmful effect on the central nervous system.
There are lots of organic treatments you can use for spider control, but it’s important to know how to apply them properly. These treatments include:
Essential Oils
Essential oils are the most commonly used organic pest control method for spider removal. The most effective varieties for spider control are mint, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon balm, lemon verbena, and citronella. You can make a simple spray using a few drops of essential oil, (around 5 to 10 drops should be enough), a quarter teaspoon of dish soap, and one and a half cups of distilled water. This type of essential oil spray is referred to as a repellent spray, but it doesn’t work very well on its own. The reason is that spiders, unlike ants and other insects with antennae, can’t sense repellents. They just walk right through the spray and can’t even tell they have repellent on them. I use a mixture of essential oils and nicotine to make my organic spider spray effective. It kills spiders and eggs on contact and in this very diluted state, it’s safe to use inside your house and around your family.
Saltwater Spray
Glue Boards
Tobacco Spray
Once you get the spiders in your house under control, there’s a lot you can do to keep them from coming back. The key is to keep your home free of the two things spiders want – dark places to hide and lay their egg sacs and a plentiful food source.Clean and De-clutter:
Plant a Spider Repellent Garden:
Caulk and Seal All Possible Entrance Points:
Turn Out The Lights:

Getting rid of the spiders in your house permanently takes a multi-layered approach, particularly if you’ve opted for more effective organic spider pest control treatments. It also takes time and effort to do it right, so I always make sure to take all the time I need to identify all the entrance points to your home, the types of spiders you’re dealing with, and the areas where they lay their eggs.
- In the first treatment, I get rid of all the spiders that have wandered into your home looking for a meal as well as their webs. I also get to their eggs before they can hatch using a Weber pole. I make sure to inspect every inch of your property from basement to attic to make sure that I haven’t missed a single one.
- I treat the inside of your home for any spiders I may have missed with a combination of essential oils, nicotine, pyrethrum, and glue boards. The type of treatment I apply depends largely on the type of spiders you have in your home and the scope of the infestation.
- I spray the foundations of your home as well as the eaves of your house with a combination of essential oils and nicotine. This kills any spiders in those areas and discourages new ones from coming in to take up residence.
- I then granulate the 30 feet surrounding your foundation with a repellent to kill any spiders that even come close to your home, so there will be no more walking into webs or getting bitten by spiders!