503-713-9590 ryan@agpestcontrol.net

How Pests Could Be Triggering Your Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

May 16, 2021


An allergy is defined as a physical or adverse reaction triggered by allergens. One example of allergen is pollen, which is a by-product of a flower-producing plant. Although plants can be sources of allergens to humans, pets and pests can carry these culprits also.

These allergens will stick in their skin surfaces and leave traces of them as they traverse inside your home. Pests are even worse since they have also their own secretions that can be considered allergens.

In short, pests can trigger your seasonal allergies and the best way to work it out is through the use of organic pest control. In this article, let us identify the most common allergy-causing pests found in the state of Oregon, how they conduct their activities, and what to do to prevent further mayhem.

What are seasonal allergies?

Seasonal allergies are symptoms that are influenced by a particular season. It’s not because there is too much sunlight in the summer or too cold in the winter. It is due to the activities of the life forms in the environment wherein allergens are abundantly produced and mediums like air or pests are moving more frequently. Here are some common symptoms of seasonal allergies.

Most common symptoms:

  • sneezing
  • stuffy or runny nose
  • itchy and watery eyes
  • itchy throat, ear canals, or sinuses
  • ear congestion
  • postnasal drainage

Less common symptoms:

  • wheezing
  • shortness of breath
  • coughing
  • headache
  • asthma attack
pests allergy

Here are the seasons and the usually responsible for the production and spread of allergens in North America:

  • Spring – Trees such as birch, alder, cedar, willow, horse chestnut, and poplar
  • Summer – Grasses such as ryegrass, timothy grass, and most weeds
  • Fall – Pollens from ragweed, nettles, sorrels, and plantains
  • WinterIndoor pests

Obviously, in winter, plants don’t produce leaves, flowers, and fruits as much as usual, so they then can’t be the main culprit of seasonal allergy during winter. On the other hand, it doesn’t mean that pests only attack during winter. They definitely can attack anytime especially if you haven’t used any organic pest control.

What Are Pests Found In Oregon?

Oregon has some of the common pests found in most American states. Located in the Northwest Pacific region, there’s an abundance of trees wherein wildlife can either settle or have more space to travel around. If you don’t have any organic pest control at all, pests can become unstoppable in their movements. Here are the pests that can make way to homes in Beaverton, Portland, and the rest of Oregon.

  • Bed Bugs
  • Carpet Beetles
  • Cockroaches
  • Fleas & Ticks
  • Rodents
    • Roof Rat
    • House Mice
    • Norway Rat
  • Silverfish
  • Spiders
    • Hobo Spider
    • Yellow Sac Spider
    • Orb Weaver Spider
    • Wolf Spider
    • Red Louse Spider
    • Brown Recluse Spider
  • Stinging Insects
  • Termites
  • Wood-Boring Beetles

How do pests trigger seasonal allergies?

Out of all the four seasons, spring seems to be the time where seasonal allergies are rampant. In fact, The Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America (AAFA), makes the month of May as “Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month”.

This is important since pests are one of the most common household problems that take a lot of effort to prevent and much more, subdue. Even organic pest control can have its limits if the infestation is too much. Each pest can trigger allergies differently depending on its activities. Here’s how they can cause harm and the reasons for their presence.

1. Ants
  • Cause of Invasion

The only thing that influences the movement of ants is food. Since they operate as colonies, they line up and search for any food that their antennas can detect. They can crawl in any position, and the more pleasantly odorous the food, like sweets, is to them, the more they are drawn to it. Since ants have many varieties, organic pest control methods can also differ.

  • Danger Level

Ants can attack both objects and living things. Some are too aggressive while others do their work slowly but surely. Ants can carry allergens through the things they’re carrying or those caught by their antennas and limbs. Aside from that, they can transmit bacteria such as salmonella and streptococcus. If you want to stop them safely, organic pest control is the best option.

2. Bed Bugs
  • Cause of Invasion

Bed bugs, as the name suggested, are usually found on unclean or unattended beds. Not only that, they can be present on sofas and foamed chairs in one’s home or in public transportation. These pests are naturally found in the wild and can be easily introduced via other larger pests or even dirty luggage brought at home.

  • Danger Level

Bed bugs are parasitic pests. Once they settle on congested areas like beds, they can survive there and even reproduce. One reason they are able to endure the pressure from a human’s weight is that they want to feed off from the blood of a human who is sleeping or lying down. Their bites can also cause allergies and even Chagas disease.

3. Carpet Beetles
  • Cause of Invasion

Carpet beetles obviously settle underneath the carpets, similar to how bed bugs stay underneath the bed. They are attracted to well-lit areas, especially in the living room or balcony. They can make their way through the surrounding plants and other tight spaces.

  • Danger Level

Carpet beetles pose more threats to objects rather than humans. However, their physiques and the way they travel from surrounding plants towards the home interior can let them be exposed to opportunities for incurring pollens. Once they made it inside with minute traces of pollens, a nearby human will definitely have his/her seasonal allergies triggered.

4. Cockroaches
  • Cause of Invasion

Cockroaches are drawn to food but their activities are mostly conducted in the dark and damp spaces. That is why they are mostly residing in cities due to the amount of waste, and the sewage systems provide them the ideal conditions to survive. Applications of organic pest control can become tricky due to their very high survival instincts.

  • Danger Level

Cockroaches are very fast and can even fly. With their wings and limbs, they carry a lot of harmful microorganisms with them. Proteins found in their saliva, feces, and shed skins contain elements that can trigger allergic reactions. Whatever surface they settle on, expect that spot is already contaminated and you are at risk not only of allergies but of other diseases as well.

5. Fleas & Ticks
  • Cause of Invasion

Fleas and ticks are similar to bed bugs and carpet beetles. They are usually brought by other larger animals or from dirty luggage introduced inside the house. They can also find their way to your pets stealthily as they (your pets) play outdoors or interact with other animals outside. They like to settle on moist areas and your dog or cat’s body might be a good place for them.

  • Danger Level

Fleas and ticks are very parasitic pests. They feed off the animal’s skin they are residing and can lay eggs also. Their microscopic fur can contain allergens from the wild, but the more concerning part is that their bites can be allergy-causing too. Not only that, they cause other diseases such as Lyme disease.

6. Rodents
  • Cause of Invasion

Rodents are the most abundant type of mammals in the world. However, those that are considered pests are rats and mice. Their strong instincts for food can lead them to settle in urban areas where food waste is very abundant. These pests are problematic whatever the season is and you may need to be equipped with different levels of organic pest control.

  • Danger Level

The fur of these rodents can carry allergens and since they love to crawl around, similar to how cockroaches behave, these allergens can stick to whatever surface they are passing by. Aside from that, their droppings, which are casually left as they crawl around, can also trigger allergies as well. Rodents also are a host of other deadly diseases such as leptospirosis.

7. Silverfish
  • Cause of Invasion

Silverfish like to settle on dark and damp areas. They don’t like hot weather that much and can make their way inside the homes. Since they are small, they can settle on objects like boxes and accidentally be introduced inside.

  • Danger Level

Silverfish are more of a nuisance rather than destructive. But their physique makes them susceptible to carrying allergens from the plants and bushes they came from. They can trigger anyone’s seasonal allergies just by traveling to the pantry and contaminate the items. With a small amount of organic pest control, they can be easily eradicated though.

8. Spiders
  • Cause of Invasion

Spiders are casual travelers. They move around independently and once they settle, they make webs. The only reason why a spider moves is to hunt for food or for places where food can be abundant. Out of all the pests, they seem to be the only ones with the potential to be adopted as exotic pets.

  • Danger Level

Depending on the type, the spiders’ danger level can range from being cowardly harmless to highly venomous. Once they make a web, they can stay isolated for a long time. The only way they can introduce allergens is when they travel from the outside towards inside your home. Also, some spiders have furs where allergens can settle.

9. Stinging Insects
  • Cause of Invasion

Stinging insects such as bees, wasps, and hornets operate similar to ants. They can act as one colony and become organized. Usually, they don’t build their nests or hives in the home’s interior. They can be found in a nearby tree or in the narrow, almost sealed spaces in between drywalls. The presence of sweets is what draws them.

  • Danger Level

These insects interact with pollens as they harvest for nectar and those can be easily scattered in the wind as they flap their wings. If their operations are just feet away, pollens have a greater chance to enter inside your home and trigger allergies. Aside from that, their stings can be so harmful. Since they love to bully through teamwork, you probably need large quantities of organic pest control.

stinging insects
10. Termites
  • Cause of Invasion

Mites are more of a mining type of pests. They come from a nearby nest and work their way inside the homes. The reason for this is that they are searching for food and their favorites are wooden materials. As long as those wooden materials are in contact with soil, they can climb their way up.

  • Danger Level

Termites and their cousin dust mites don’t pose a direct danger to human life. They just love to tear down organic materials for food but disregard humans and other animals. However, due to their limbs and fur, and the locations they have been traveling, they can carry allergens and leave traces behind. A single can of organic pest control might be enough to stop them.

11. Wood-Boring Beetles
  • Cause of Invasion

All other pests in this list can typically be found in any American home. However, these wood-boring beetle infestations might be unique to Oregon or any state with a great abundance of forests. Wood-boring beetles, as the name suggests, love wood. If your house is made from it, expect that these pests can make their way inside to settle and reproduce.

  • Danger Level

Wood-boring beetles are not that harmful to humans. But their wings and limbs might carry allergens from their wood-boring activities and can be introduced inside the home. Since they are not really aggressive, a small amount of organic pest control can do the trick.

How Organic Pest Control Can Solve Seasonal Allergies

As mentioned, the best way to deal with these pests in order to stop spreading allergens and discourage their activities safely is to use organic pest control. If you happen to reside in Beaverton, check out Ant & Garden Organic Pest Control, a humble company specializing in controlling ants, spiders, fleas, ticks, stinging insects, and rodents.

Yes, organic pest control can be effective but how do they affect the intended targets? Here are some brief explanations on how such chemicals manage to prevent further infestations.

A. Structural Damaging Pests

These include termites, beetles, and other less parasitic pests. When dealing with fleas and ticks, Ant & Garden Organic Pest Control’s solutions include a wide selection of organic garden pest control. Once applied, it will immediately discourage fleas, ticks, and other garden pests.

B. Food Scraping Pests

These include ants, cockroaches, bed bugs, and rodents. Removal of rodents can be hard and that is why Ant & Garden Organic Pest Control uses organic baiting not only to capture and eliminate them but also to keep non-targeted animals safe. Peppermint oil is usually the main choice.

Of course, the company’s expertise is exterminating ants all the way to their colony. The company has many organic pest control solutions for every type of ant and all of them are less toxic than salt.  

C. Flower-Interacting Pests

These comprise spiders and stinging insects. To subdue spiders, Ant & Garden Organic Pest Control utilizes non-toxic treatments such as essential oils, saltwater spray, glue boards, pyrethrum, and tobacco spray.

For stinging insects, the job might be a bit difficult for Ant & Garden Organic Pest Control Beaverton, but it can be manageable. With careful assessments and their eco-friendly pest control treatments, the colony will be eradicated.


Seasonal allergies can be medicated, but if the common cause is pest infestation, it is better to use organic pest control to reduce the problem. Allergies are no joke and if left attended, depending on how one’s body reacts, more internal damage can be incurred from complications. If you want to lessen the use of organic pest control, strategize more preventive measures like structural reinforcement and constant clean-up. In cases of infestation, it’s best to let the experts, like Ant & Garden Organic Pest Control, handle the problem to make you and your family as safe as you can be.